Saturday, June 14, 2014

A letter

Dear Jackson,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Liz. And I'm a runner. I love running outside and have been running since 2009. And I'm fat.

Apparently those 4 things (a fat female runner who runs outside) make me a target for (mostly young guys) to yell things at me while I run. They have yelled things that are *supposed* to be mean. I’ve been laughed at and honked at.

I feel sorry for you. Sorry that you think it's acceptable to be mean to someone and someone you don't even know. Someone who is doing something maybe you're afraid of doing. You seem to think that a person's worth is tied to their weight. I'm glad that I live my life differently. My self-worth is not based on the numbers on the scale. I am a happy, kind, loving, beautiful awesome person who is a wife, mother to two dogs, super awesome aunt to 5 wonderful kids, a daughter, sister, cousin, niece, granddaughter and friend.  I am a person who gets told almost daily by people that I inspire them, that they are proud of me. Can the people in your life say the same? Would they say the same if they knew you were yelling nasty things to and laughing at a complete stranger? Would you say that to your daughter, mother, sister or loved one? Would you want someone doing that to you or your family member?

I'm not exactly sure what your goal is by yelling or laughing at me. But let me tell you a few things about myself. I have run in 2 marathons, finished the Marine Corps Marathon with my Dad and have run 2 half marathons.  I have run with an injured knee, calf pain, hamstring pain, horrible endometriosis cramps, diarrhea and bleeding toes (did that today...). I've lost toenails, have been sunburned, wind burned and have had frostbite. I've run in the cold, in the heat, the rain and the snow. Remember some of those snow storms this past winter? I went running in that. Remember those really hot summer days we've had? I was out there running. I've run while happy. I've gone running while anxious and worried and have run through grief. I run for a little boy who has chILD who can't run. I go running even when I don't want to sometimes. I've run with only a few hours of sleep. I've cried while running. I’ve cried because I was so happy and proud of myself. Cried because I was out there running for those have been lost.

And through all of that, I've had to deal with people trying to take that away from me. Even if all of my accomplishments with running hadn't happened and it was my first day running, I don't deserve your nastiness in my life. Or even if I was just out there, living my life.  NO ONE DOES!!

I went through many many years of horrible depression. I survived it. I came out of it and started running. Running gave me my life back. I became a better, happier, healthier and more awesome person.

If your goal is to get me to stop running well... let me tell you this right now. Your stupid comments, your laughter, your honking, and whatever else you throw at me isn't going to do that. Because, well, I'm a runner and I'm made of something much much stronger than your stupid little comments.
