Sunday, May 29, 2011


So, I've been pretty active the last few days.  I ran 4.5 miles on Friday, and had a PR for that time, and just for a long(er) run in general.  I rarely average under 12 min/miles, and I was at 11:40 or something.  And felt awesome.  And then ran again on Saturday, and was a minute slower, which was fine.

I biked today to Concord (and back ;)) and that was just under 26 miles.  It was a nice ride.  Most of it was alone, but my husband came back for me (he had rode it himself but of course much faster than me) and met me with about 5 miles to go.  Anyway, I didn't have my music, which was fine.  I listened to the wind, the birds, other people, dogs, and paid attention to the sights.  Its a beautiful ride.  I love the lakes.  I also love this plant that grows along the trail.  I have no idea what it is, its just really big leaves.  I wont tell you what it reminds me of, because its crazy. 

Anyway, as I was riding home, and my legs were tired, and I just wanted to be done, I realized that I'm going to be running 26 miles like the last weekend in September.  And then 26.2 on Oct 30th.  And it freaked me out a little.  I was struggling with tired legs just BIKING it, how the heck am I going to run/walk it then?  I have enough time to follow the training program exactly, and other than not being consistent with my weekly runs, I'm not doing too bad.  But I'm scared!  I know I need to get better on getting in my runs during the week.  I really only NEED to do two, and 3 or 4 is not out of the question. 

So yeah, I'm questioning my sanity at this point, and my ability.  I don't know if I can do it.  I know I can do 23.75.  It would take losing a leg to not at least get to THAT point again.  But I'm just scared.  I still have so much weight to lose, and I know it will be easier if I'm much lighter.  I need to get that part of this in check too! 

I can do this, right???

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