Saturday, January 21, 2012

Its training season!

I officially start my training for the Toronto Half Marathon this coming week.  I'm so excited!  The half is May 6th, and I hope to register for it this week too!  I cant wait, I get to run my first half marathon, and finally meet in person one of the most awesome Chatter bitch ;)  She's going to totally beat me, but it'll be fun.

The training for MCM 2012 overlaps at a really good point with the half marathon training.  It's going to work out great!
I'm worried about my knee, but the knee strap really seems to be helping.  I haven't had any real pain running since I started using it.  I think because its pink, it makes it work even better ;)  I just really need to start doing more exercises that will help strengthen my hips and ass, and maybe I'll be able to run without it. 

I also need to lose about 30 lbs between now and May, and then another 30 lbs between May and October.  Its doable, I just need to focus, and remember why I want to lose weight.  And remember that the lighter I am, the faster I can go.  I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to balance work, school and training, but I want to do this so much.  I know I can do this. 

I cant wait!

1 comment:

  1. I just clicked on your blog today and saw this! I love it!!!! haha can't wait to see you IRL!!! -K
