Monday, January 2, 2012

Lovely Run

I went running again today and did 2.2 miles.  It was such an nice run.  It was cold, around 25 degrees, and it was snowing and windy.  I don't typically like the cold, but I enjoyed my run today.  It was so pretty out.  The snow was fluffy and pretty. 

My time wasn't any better than the other day, I'm still in the 13:30s per mile, but thats ok.  I couldn't run faster anyway, due to the snowy, icy path.  I was able to run the entire way, which felt good.  My lungs didn't hurt as much as they did the other day, and while my legs are still sore, it's a good sore. 

I feel so much better.  Its amazing that just 3 short runs have done that for me.  I feel more like me. 

Tomorrow I hope to get up in the morning to work out before work.  I have such a hard time waking up in the morning, I hope that I can do it.  I need to work more on strength training to help my legs and hips, so I don't end up with my knee problem again.  Its been feeling ok during these runs, but I'm constantly aware of it, and every little thing I feel in my right leg, I start to worry its my knee again. 

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