Sunday, July 24, 2011

Feeling pretty good!

I had a decent run on Friday.  I did 5 miles, and it was hot, humid and slow, but overall, not too bad.  I think my pace was 12:38ish, which still amazes me.  I remember being stuck in the 15's and thinking I'd never get out of them!  So to do 5 miles in just over an hour, I'm happy!

I'm down to 202 as of yesterday!  96 lbs lost.  I never ever thought I'd be able to say that.   I never thought I'd be anywhere close to weighing in the 100's again.  And I have collar bones again!  I keep looking at them, and touching them - its crazy how I didnt really *see* how much weight I had gained.  I thought I pretty much looked the same, and now I look back, its obvious I didnt.  My face was so fat, but I didnt see it.  I can see it now - I have cheek bones! 

I'm planning to go running with my friend, who is so awesome to be willing to get out at 5:30 am tomorrow.  I hope that I'll be able to do it more, I really need to start running more.  The race isn't that far away, and I'm letting myself find excuses to not run as much as I really should be.  I also hope to run often on my 2 week vacation coming up.  Hopefully I can do better, and get more runs in.  I also need to work on hill training, because there are 2 major hills on the course!

I'm getting nervous, because its really not that far away! 

Friday, July 15, 2011


I woke up this morning, at 5:30, on my day off to run 14 miles.  I think only crazy people do that.  And only crazy people look forward to it.  And I was looking forward to it all week.  I ate breakfast, even though its so hard for me sometimes to eat that early in the morning, and started hydrating with water. 

I had hoped to be out of the house around 7 am, but I did reset my alarm this morning from 5 am to 5:30, so I ended up leaving the house around 7:45 am. 

It was cool in the morning, with clouds, so that helped keep the temperature cool for longer.  I was kind of upset when I left, because my husband did not go with me, and I had wanted him to, so he could carry the Gatorade while riding his bike.  But I got over it, and had a nice run.  I had to do a 7 mile loop twice, and it was good.

I felt good and strong through out the whole thing.  I did have some pain in my right leg - in the ankle and knee, but overall, it was great. 

Around mile 12, I realized that I was still going strong, and was close to making my time goal, of under 3 hours.  I knew I wouldn't make it, but that I was close.  And I didn't care.  I felt so good, I was smiling!  I kept a smile on my face for the remaining 2 miles, and just felt good.  I laughed at myself, because I never thought I'd feel GOOD after going 12 miles, and that was like I only have 2 more to go?  I think I felt the "runners high" this time.  I've felt great during runs before, but never on a run THIS long.  Especially after that bad 12 mile run a few weeks ago.  It was awesome.  I felt so happy.  And still do! 
I wish I could explain in better words what this run did for me.  It was exactly what I needed, and was perfect.  I kept up with my intervals the whole time of 3:1 (run/walk) and actually skipped the last one because I was almost home, and wanted to finish strong, and finish it running.  The sun came out, and it did heat up a bit, but I kept myself hydrated, focused on what I was doing, and had fun.  I saw some deer, and a bunny.  One of the deer was a fawn! :) So cute!

My time was 3:04:01.  My disaster 12 mile run a few weeks ago? 3:01:00. 

I love running, myself, everything.  I love being happy, and feeling like this.  Its amazing to feel like this.  I remember being so sad, depressed, unhappy, fat, and just overall like shit.  And I no longer feel that way.  And *I* did that for myself.  I'm putting myself back together, and making myself better.

What I did to make this a wonderful awesome run (this next part is more for me, so I can remember what I did... so its kind of boring ;)) :

The night before:
I had 2 servings of pasta for dinner. 
I had about 6 hours of sleep (I would have liked more though)

Day of:
Breakfast - 1 serving of oatmeal, with raspberry yumberry yogurt mixed in, 2 pieces of light bread, 1 tbs I cant believe its not butter, and tbs of Jif Natural PB.  I started drinking a lot of water as soon as I woke up as well.
15 mins before I left:
Took 1 Imodium, and had 1 Strawberry Banana Power bar gel, as well as 600 mg of motrin at some point in the AM

While I was running:
I brought along 100 g of Haribo Gummy Bears, and ate most of them. 
I drank a total of 6 tbs worth of Gatorade
and at the half way point, I had another Strawberry Banana Power bar gel

So yeah, I should probably try to follow something similar for my next long run, and hopefully it will be just as good!!

Doing well!

I've been actually doing pretty good this past week.  I have had only one "red" day, and it really wasn't that bad.  I didn't run as much as I should have this week, but I did get out there on Wednesday, and had a nice run with my cute husband.  He of course, had to show me up, and ran 3.75 miles in the time it took me to run 2.5 miles.  And he hasn't been running for like 2 months.  Jerk ;)

Though to think about it, to have a good week, food wise, during my period is awesome.  Usually I give in, and eat a bunch of crap.  But I didn't this week.  It probably helps that I have no money to buy a bunch of junk food. 

I'm up early because I'm going to head out on my 14 mile run in about an hour.  I hope it goes well.  And I'm excited to see once I get rid of this period bloat, if I'll be back to my weight of 202 or whatever it was.  And hopefully will get under 200 lbs within the next few weeks.  I'm done with the 200's! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

14 miler coming up!

I've actually been doing a little better, lately with running on a better, regular basis.  I went running a couple of times after work last week, and while it was hard because I was tired, I'm glad I went.

I ran 4.5 miles on Saturday.  It was slow - it was hot out though.  And I'm glad that I didn't push myself so hard to run faster, just to get a better time.  I think I paced in the high 12's or low 13's, which wasn't too bad, considering how much I ended up walking because it was so hot.

But this coming weekend, I have to do 14 miles!  Yikes!  I also need to find a hill or two to train on.  There is a LONG hill on the MCM course, that is like 2 freakin miles!  I don't know what I'm going to do, as I cant think of an area around here that has a 2 mile climb. 

I'm planning on running the 14 miles on Friday, so I'll update on how it goes!  I hope to get under 3 hours for it too.  We'll see how it goes.  For 12 min/miles, its 2:48:00 and for 13 min/miles its 3:02:00.  So anything under 3 will be great!