Sunday, August 19, 2012

...and another thing....

Runners or anyone else who exercises outside, I have a question for you.
Is it just me, or do you also get weird, mean, condescending or just any comment or even looks in general?  I seem to get them almost every time I am out there running.

I blogged last week or the week before about the rudest comment I've received to date, but someone yelled something at me today.  I don't know what he said - I don't really care.  But he was driving in a truck, and said something, I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders and he kept driving.  But he kept looking as he drove away, to the point it was kind of dangerous. 

Now, I do think I'm pretty hot ;) but I'm not the type of woman who men flirt with or look back at for a second look because they think I'm hot.  I'm still pretty fat too.  Not that I think that makes me ugly, but I know others may think that. 

I get the "good for you"s, "thats great that you're even OUT here" and other comments that are supposed to be compliments, but really aren't.  I also almost always get "good job" "keep it up!" "You go girl" or other ones that ARE nice, with out a "sting" behind it.
It makes me wonder though, do people think I really need that much encouragement?  I know most are trying ot be nice, but even then, do other runners get as many comments or looks as I do?  The comments don't hurt or really help me, I just don't quite understand.  I would never go up to someone, and get right in their face and say "GOOD FOR YOU FOR EVEN BEING OUT HERE!" or something like that, as one older woman said to me.

I do like (and MISS!) my thumbs up running dude.  He's the best.  He just gives you a thumbs up as he runs by.  I haven't seen him in MONTHS!  I love him! lol

I know this is all over the place, and may not make much sense, its just something I've been wondering about for a long time.  And like I said, it doesn't bother me or hurt me.  Nothing ANYONE will ever say will make me stop running.  The comments that ARE meant to be hurtful, don't hurt me.  I'm stronger than that.  And love myself a lot more to let those things get to me.  And i know it might sound like I'm complaining that people are trying to be nice to me.  I'm not. 

I know I'm fatter than a lot of people, and larger than the 'typical' runner.  Is that it?  Why doesn't my husband get those comments? Maybe he needs encouragement more than I do. Or that other person running needs it more than me.  Being fat doesn't automatically mean that I hate myself and need other people to help me feel better about myself. 

I don't need encouragement to stay out there.  I'm out there because I want to be and I have goals. 

1 comment:

  1. Your attitude is absolutely marvelous! I can't believe you are having to endure the negative comments you're getting. The best response, I think, is the one that you already have: just let your actions be your response (like Michael Phelps, who let his swimming do the talking)! Haters gonna hate. Next time you're out there, just imagine 10 thumbs up from me.
