Sunday, September 16, 2012

You know it's a good run

When you almost cry during it.  I had a couple of points, when I was out doing my 15.07 mile run today, where I felt overwhelmed with emotion and wanted to cry. I just want this so much.  I don't want to fail!

I had a nice run today.  I finished in 3:41:13, which is about 14:40/mile.  I still need to improve on my time so I can beat the bridge.  I have to do 20 miles with an average of 14 minute miles to be allowed to finish the MCM.  I can do it, right?  My time last month for 10.5 miles was about 1 minute slower per mile (15:30ish) than I did today.  I know I can knock 40 seconds off.  I have to!
I downloaded a few new songs last night to add to my play list, and this song kept me going through out.  I had it on repeat several times.
I do think I accidentally made it seem like I was JOINING the Marines today while running, rather than just training to run in the Marine Corps Marathon.  This woman asked me if I was training for Detroit, and I had just taken a drink, and could only get out "No, Marine Corps".  I realized after she said "Wow, good luck!" and passed me that I should have added "marathon" to the end of that.  Ooops.  lol I'd have to lose like 100 lbs and run a whole hell of a lot faster to join the military! :)

It helped that Craig rode my bike, lol, and carried the hydrapack so I didn't have to do a couple of out and back loops.  It helped me so much, mentally to just do an out and back of 7.54 miles.  He only complained at the beginning of having to ride my bike (it's not MY fault his bike is in pieces ;)) and then kept me entertained by doing wheelies and almost falling.  He's cute.
I'm still totally sucking at losing weight, but I do think I've lost a couple of pounds, but am retaining water due to the enormous amounts of sodium I keep consuming.  I had condensed soup every day last week for lunch and it's so full of sodium.  Its just easy to pack, cheap, and low calorie.  But I want to try to avoid it this week, which means I'll have to get up a little earlier to make something else for lunch.  Anyway, my goal is to get under 220, and 210 would be even better by then.  But I know it's not a realistic goal, but I'm still going to try!

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