Monday, September 26, 2011

I went running!

I had to.  I was starting to feel very crazy, and just needed to go.  I feel so so much better after going, its amazing.  I did not have any knee pain, but to be honest, did feel some tightness in my ankle area.  But no knee pain!!  I can deal with the ankle.

It was beautiful out.  It was mid 60's, sunny with Autumn like clouds, and the trees have started to change color.  Just perfect.  I didn't think about ANYthing, while running.  I just enjoyed seeing the trees, the sun, the bunny, and listened to my music. 

I feel so good, so much better, at peace, and not so grouchy.  I guess thats a good thing right?  I was tempted to do my 4.5 mile route, but stopped at 2.2 miles, because I didn't want to over do it.  I'll try to run later this week again, but also plan to do a work out DVD again.  I did one on Saturday, and I'm STILL sore from it.  I guess thats a big sign that I haven't been working out my body like I should be. 
Tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life.  And my husbands life too.  We start school tomorrow evening!  I'm excited about it.  I quit school years ago, and am so excited to be going back.  The last time I was in college, I was dealing with a loss, and depression.  So it will be fun to go back, and not have that going on.  I feel good about my life and myself, and school.  Its still scary, but I'm excited.  I feel like I'm back, me, the me I lost during those tough years of my early to mid 20's.  But a new and better me too.
I'm feeling better.  I'm so glad I was able to go running tonight.  I'm so happy I discovered running almost 2.5 years ago.  Its amazing how much it has changed me and my life. 

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